Life Long Love: Meet the Wilburs
2001 Mr. & Mrs. Steve Wilbur
We love this fun-loving couple and are thankful for this closer look into the daily experiences of their marriage connection. It is no small thing to laugh together, play together and ENJOY your spouse! We respect their faith and commitment. — Jesse and April
How many years have you been married and how old were you when you got married?
21 years. We were 37 and 38 years old.
Where & how did the two of you meet?
We knew each other in our previous marriages.
What first attracted you to one another?
We all have ideas about how marriage is supposed to be when we say our wedding vows. What was one of the first challenges you encountered that challenged your ideas of what marriage was supposed to be?
The meaning of unconditional love.
What has helped you stay together? What's your secret?
Our faith in God.
Do you pray together? Or have other faith activities?
Yes we pray together and also attend church together.
Do you date? How do you play together? How has that changed during your years together?
We do date. We love weekend getaways to getaway from it all. We value our time together more the longer we're together.
What do you call your in-laws?
Steve's parents went on to heaven: Steve calls my parents by name.
How do you KNOW your spouse loves you? How do you let your spouse know you love them?
I know he loves me because he tells me and he shows me. He is always there for me. Steve's response to the question is the same. And I let him know by telling him I love him and demonstrating it - sacrificial love. Learning to control my 'flesh'. Steve lets me know that he loves me by trying to show me love by his actions.
Share a nugget of wisdom you wish you could give to your younger selves.
You have to love yourself before anyone else can.
What do you do on a regular basis for your marriage?
Pray for my husband. Pray for change in ME. Going to God before I go to Steve about something I don't like that he said or did. Steve’s response is he prays for our marriage.