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Green Zone Attachment and Flourishing for Christian Leaders
Are you feeling weary and heavy laden in ministry?
Have you tried repeatedly to have the victory over besetting sins and habits, only to cycle back into them again? You are not alone. Countless men and women in ministry are feeling worn out and isolated, despite being devoted to God and striving to fulfill their callings. We need to go to the roots of these struggles to succeed in exiting pathways of stress and climbing out of the pits of despair. To soothe our fears and hurts, we must encounter the smiling gaze of our Father and come home to the place of sheltered rest in the arms of Jesus—embracing the power of God’s attachment design to restore our souls. Come to the Green Zone, a reinhabiting of the Eden Garden, and in this place of flourishing you will find rest for your mind, body, and spirit.
Face to Face: Seven Keys to a Secure Marriage
Do you feel locked out of your spouse's heart? Do you feel locked into painful patterns of conflict in your marriage that you just can't break free from? Are you lonely and desperate for the connection that you once had? Come back to the place you belong. Come home to a place where you two can stand securely together, Face to Face and hand in hand, just like the day you spoke your wedding vows. Return to the way that God designed you biologically to function at your best. Build a place of rest for your marriage through The Seven Keys to a Secure Marriage.
Through this book you will understand the deeper desires of every hurting spouse. You can break the patterns of conflict that have pushed you away from your love. The seven keys will teach you how to turn conflict into opportunities for deeper connection. The keys will help you unlock those conflict patterns and release God's attachment design for your marriage. Now you can draw your spouse close to you once again through a new posture and vulnerable language. You will learn to cling to one another in times of loss and rely more each day on the One who comforts you with His promise, "I am with you always."
This full length marital workshop features Dr. Jesse teaching the Seven Keys to a live audience! It is packed with 6 hours of valuable training. Multiple interactive exercises. The matching workbook is included in this download.