Life Long Love: Meet the Newells

How many years have you been married and how old were you when you got married?

We have been married 38 years — I was 26 — Charley was 23.

Where & how did the two of you meet?

We met at Bible College — on a stairwell.

What first attracted you to one another?

I was dating Charley’s roommate and got to know Charley. She was funny, pretty and quick-witted. On our first date she made pizza and I looked into her eyes and was hooked.

We all have ideas about how marriage is supposed to be when we say our wedding vows. What was one of the first challenges you encountered that challenged your ideas of what marriage was supposed to be?

We come from 2 very different cultures with different value systems. We also went through some hard financial problems. It was very frustrating at times.

What has helped you stay together? What's your secret?

During the really hard times it was obedience to the Lord, love for our children, and just plain stubbornness that got us through.

Do you pray together? Or have other faith activities?

We do pray and attend church together during the week — Charley’s work schedule is tough on the weekends.

Do you date? How do you play together? How has that changed during your years together?

We do date a lot — mostly out to eat. We love to read books together, for example: Chronicles of Narnia, Lord of the Rings, Other Fiction books. We play some board games — mostly Carcossone, and we like to go at least 2 or 3 times a year on romantic getaways in the Poconos, et cetera.

What do you call your in-laws?

Sadly, they have all passed away except my Stepmother.

How do you KNOW your spouse loves you? How do you let your spouse know you love them?

Humor & Hugs, Giving each other consideration, respect, honor. And really open up and talk.

Share a nugget of wisdom you wish you could give to your younger selves.

Admit when you are wrong faster & easier with an honest intent to change. If you encounter unsolvable relationship problems — Pray! God comes through over and over again.

What do you do on a regular basis for your marriage?

I give lots of compliments, hugs, talk & text with a lot of humor.

We’ll be featuring another Life Long Love couple next month. In the meantime, check out our shop for a rich assortment of dating ideas.


“The Love Quiz: Part 2” — Growing More Secure in Your Attachment Style


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